Lost Item Details: 

Lost Cats

  • Item Lost

    Lost Cats

  • Category


  • Brand


  • Primary Color

    Dark grey

  • Secondary Item Color


  • Date Lost


  • Time Lost

    4:00 AM

  • Location Lost

    101 Linden Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA

  • Additional Information

    Hello, My cat has gone missing in bushwick on nov 9th around 4 am. I was hoping you guys might be able to help a bit. Hes already neutured and a little over a yr old. Hes little, only 7.5 lbs with big ears and green eyes. Hes dark grey and white and has a nasally meow. He was lost at linden and evergreen. I'm desperate and have been searching every day. It would mean the world to me if you could keep an eye out and spread the word. Thanks Aimee

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